Friday, April 6, 2007

"The Incident" (1967)

Has anyone ever heard of this flick? I stumbled upon it at The Transit Museum in Brooklyn in this cool room full of subway-related movie posters. It's about a couple of street toughs (Martin Sheen, Tony Mussante, his 1st role) who terrorize the passengers of a moving Third Avenue El train. The film co-stars, get this: Ed McMahon, Beau Bridges, Ruby Dee, Jack Gilford, Thelma Ritter, Donna Mills and Brock Peters! Sounds pretty wild, no? So I go home after the museum, excited to hunt it down on Ebay, only to find that it's completely unavailable on DVD, and that a USED VHS copy going for $45 smackeroos… Yikes! I do a little more internet searching, and find that the movie is also playing on AMC, March 29th at 6:30 in the morning, for one-time only!!! A miracle. Can't wait to see this one…